Taiko drum performance
Japanese drums taiko is known for its dynamic performance style. Taiko playing is loud, hard, and fast with choreographed movement. We will celebrate the IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 with a dynamic “Taiko” performance.
Geisha performance
Geishas are highly skilled entertainers who appear at private parties and special events to entertain traditional performing arts. As traditional performer geisha in Kyoto who regarded tradition highly, they are trained for years in the traditional Japanese performing arts. Here we have geisha dancing and Q&A session of their work and lives.
Samurai demonstration
We invite you to join us for a performance and talk session where we will explore the philosophy of the Samurai, Bushido, or the way of the warrior. The presentation will include a musical performance of both the Shakuhachi (bamboo flute) and Japanese drum. Accompanying this will be a demonstration of the sword art of Iaido using a real Katana.
Swordsmith visit
Forging traditional Japanese Tamahagane (jewel steel) in the blazing fire. Tanren (forging) is the process of hammering and strengthening steel. This is one of the most important part of sword making. We will show you the work of a Japanese swordsmith.
Taizoin Temple deputy head priest Daiko Matsuyama guides you to practice Zen meditation by providing a lecture on the significance of Zen Buddhism as part of the Japanese culture.
The panel
The panel will be held at the Auditorium in a Zoom Webinar. The panel will have technical support from our side and will be recorded so IJCAI can show it on their website after the conference. We will send technical information for the panelists (how to join the webinar etc) to you in the next couple days to forward to session chairs and speakers. If you would like to do some social time after the panel you can choose to either use break out rooms in zoom or end the webinar and move from the auditorium into another space like the Japanese garden, the shrine or the tea house (these locations have tables and are good for socializing). Japanese Garden would be closest.
Speed Networking
Making contact with new people is difficult when meeting only virtually. You are invited to participate in a speed networking event, inspired by “speed dating”: Two people per desk (private space); after a few minutes, one moves to the next table. At the end you have talked to people, with whom you probably would not have talked to otherwise — and maybe made new friends. We will start January 13th at 17:00 JSP in the Dragon Bar. There are only 34 tables in the Dragon Bar — come early to be sure of your seat!
Scavenger Hunt
Dive into IJCAI-PRICAI-2020 and meet others in a kind-of treasure hunt! We will have a sign next to the IJCAI-PRICAI welcome desk in the Japanese garden (just below the auditorium) during Monday and Tuesday (January 11th and 12th). There you can find a Google Form with instructions and tasks. Submit your form by the end of January 12th (anywhere on earth). The winner will be announced during the web page and closing session!
Women in AI Mixer
AI research is still dominated by males. This networking event brings together people who want to discuss about bringing more female perspectives into AI — or if you want to simply meet other women doing research or working with AI-related topics. January 14th, after the technical sessions, 22:00 JST is the time and the Tea House is the place to meet.
New at IJCAI Mixer
IJCAI is a the largest AI Conference on Earth. Participating for the first time, you may feel very overwhelmed by the mass of people and the sheer size of the conference. We have a space and time for first-time participants to meet others which are in the same situation. Meet you at the Beach Bar. See you there from 22:30 JST on January 11th!