IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 AI Video Competition
We are pleased to present the final call for video entries to the upcoming IJCAI 2020 Video Competition. In the spirit of earlier AI Video Competitions, our intention is to provide researchers with a showcase for demonstrating how exciting and interesting Artificial Intelligence can be, as well as offering to the public and the media accurate information crafted first-hand by researchers.
The results of the competition will be presented at the IJCAI 2020 conference. The best videos will be announced during the conference. All videos will also be made available online. The revised key dates are as follows:
Important Dates (AI Video Competition):
Submission of videos: May 10, 2020.
Notification of acceptance and award nominations: May 25, 2020.
Final version due: June 15, 2020.
Video Contents
A wide range of videos related to artificial intelligence can be submitted to the competition. The topic of a video might, for example, be a general or specific area of AI, the work of a particular researcher or group (yourselves or others), or a concrete application that depends on one or several AI techniques, and that may be based entirely on software or partly on hardware. A video may concern work with different levels of maturity: you can introduce something new and interesting, describing known but ongoing research, or summarize a mature area or application, showing its impact on society. The intended audience of a video can be students learning about a topic in a classroom, researchers interested in learning more about subfields outside their own, the general public, or the media, etc.
Specific Awards
Several distinct awards will be given. The following categories are envisioned, but may change depending on the submissions received.
- Best video (up to 5 minutes)
- Best robotic video (demonstrating a use of AI in relation with robotics)
- Most entertaining video (illustrating AI in an amusing or interesting way)
- Most educational video (for students learning about a topic)
- Most societally beneficial video (showing the public what AI can do and does for society)
In all cases, keeping the viewer interested and engaged is essential. The best videos of earlier AI video competitions have often achieved this through the use of humor, background music, and movies/animations. To ensure that the videos are comprehensible to a wide audience, they must be narrated or subtitled in English.
The following criteria must be satisfied by all participating videos:
- The video must be relevant to the area of Artificial Intelligence.
- The video must be submitted in a widely supported encoding and container format. For example, MPEG-2, Xvid or H.264 encoding in an AVI or MKV container could be used. We reserve the right to recode videos before placing them online.
- The authors must hold the copyright for all materials used, such as music, video, sounds and images, or have explicit written permission from the copyright holders to use and distribute this material.
- The video must not be offensive or advertise/promote commercial products.
Review Process
After the submission deadline, all submitted videos satisfying the requirements stated above will be reviewed by the video competition program committee (to be announced) according to the following criteria:
- Excitement: How interesting and exciting is the actual technology, research area, application, or other work being presented?
- Educational content: To what extent can other AI researchers, students, or the general public learn about artificial intelligence from the video?
- Entertainment value: How entertaining and captivating is the video to watch?
- Presentation quality: How well is the video produced, what is the quality of the narration and soundtrack, etc.?
The best videos will be nominated for awards and the winners decided by the committee will be announced during IJCAI-PRICAI 2020.
Submission Process
To submit a video, please send an e-mail to elkind@cs.ox.ac.uk. Your e-mail should contain the following information:
- Excitement: How interesting and exciting is the actual technology, research area, application, or other work being presented?
- The title of your contribution
- A link to the video, hosted on an internationally accessible platform (please e-mail the chair in advance if this presents a difficulty)
- Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of everyone who has contributed to the video
- A brief 1-paragraph description of the video
Note that attending the IJCAI-PRICAI conference is not required. For further information about participation in the competition, please contact Edith Elkind (elkind@cs.ox.ac.uk).