Early Career Spotlight Talks
Mohit Bansal
Title: Multimodal, Grounded, and Knowledgeable Language Understanding+Generation
Mingming Gong
Title: Bridging Causality and Learning: How Do They Benefit from Each Other?
Quanquan Gu
Title: Understanding Overparameterized Deep Neural Networks: From Optimization To Generalization
Tias Guns
Title: Learning from user and environment in combinatorial optimisation
Daniel Harabor
Title: Single and Multi-agent Path Planning
Alexey Ignatiev
Title: Towards Trustable Explainable AI
Rivka Levitan
Title: Developing an Integrated Model of Speech Entrainment
Risheng Liu
Title: Optimization Learning: Perspective, Method, and Applications
Takanori Maehara
Title: Frontier of Submodular Maximization
Nick Mattei
Title: Closing the Loop: Bringing Humans into Empirical Computational Social Choice and Preference Reasoning
Cynthia Matuszek
Title: Learning Language in Simulation for Real Robot Interaction
Alex Schwing
Title: Learning to Anticipate
Taiki Todo
Title: Mechanism Design with Uncertainty
Felipe Trevizan
Title: Handing Constraints in Probabilistic Planning: Problems, Algorithms, and Heuristics
Lijun Zhang
Title: Online Learning in Changing Environments