Opening/Closing Ceremonies Videos
Welcome to IJCAI-PRICAI 2020
Welcome to IJCAI-PRICAI2020, the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence!IJCAI-PRICAI2020 will take place January 7-15, 2021 online in a virtual reality in Japanese Standard Time (JST) zone.
Workshops and tutorials will be held on January 7-8, the main plenary sessions (all invited talks, award talks and panels) on January 11-12 and January 13 morning (JST), followed by parallel technical sessions on January 13-15, with no events scheduled for the weekend.
Full program is available here: https://static.ijcai.org/ijcai-pricai-2020-schedule/
Guidelines on how to attend: https://ijcai20.org/how-to-attend/
The video on how to attend is available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljbplJxb-G4
The virtual reality is online: https://ijcai.gather.town/app/g6gSKaQakfcwOyjS/ijcai-pricai2020
Guidelines for workshop and tutorials presenters: https://ijcai20.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ws_tutorial_presenters.pdf
Please enjoy the leading artificial intelligence gathering in the world, while visiting traditional Japanese village and enjoying Japanese cultural demonstrations.
Follow us on social media
You are welcome to follow our twitter account: https://twitter.com/IJCAIconf.
Latest News
(9 January) List of accepted robot exhibitions added.
(7 January) Map of the venue added.
(6 January) WS33 was cancelled and is no longer affiliated with IJCAI-PRICAI-2020.
(4 January) Virtual Reality is online.
(4 January) IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 Intro Video.
(3 January) The full program is available here. The guidelines on how to attend are here. The guidelines for workshop and tutorials presenters are here.
(11, December) Volunteering deadline extended to the 13th.
(28, October) Tutorial Information has been released.
(6, August) Early Career Spotlight Talks has been released.
(12, June) Information of 3D AI Challenge & Workshop from Alibaba has been released.
(17, May) Accepted Papers has been released.
(14, May) Call for AIJ Awards has been released.
(6, April) Competition Information has been released.
(22, March) Workshop Information has been released.
(21, March) “Frequently Asked Questions about Response Phase” has been released.
(6, March) Information of Yokohama city has been released.
(6, March) Transportation to Conference Place has been released.
(6, March) Support Organization has been released.
(6, March) “Frequently Asked Questions about Being an SPC” has been released.
(February) “Conference Venue” has been released.
(February) “Call for Doctoral Consortium” has been released.
(February) “Frequently Asked Questions about Reviewing Papers” has been released.
(February) “Frequently Asked Questions about Summary-reject Phase” has been released.
(January) “Journal Track” has been released.
(January) “Frequently Asked Questions about Submissions” has been released.
(January) “Call for Competitions” has been released.
(January) “Call for Papers: Computational Sustainability and Human Well-being” has been released.
Old News
Official video section has been released.
“Call for Award Nominations” has been released.
Bidding Procedure of Main Sponsor has been released.
“Call for Videos” has been released.
“Call for Tutorials” has been released.
“Call for Demos” has been released.
“Call for Papers: AI in FinTech” has been released.
“Call for Papers: Survey Track has been released.
“Call for Workshops” has been released.
Local Arrangements Committee information is updated.
“Call for Papers” has been released.
“Important Dates: Main Track” is updated.
Sponsor information is updated.
Sponsor opportunity information is updated.
Conference committee information is updated.
IJCAI PRICAI web site opened.
(Covid Update on October 23th, 2020)
Dear IJCAI Community,
We had hoped to make IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 a hybrid in-person/online conference, and have done our best to explore this option. Unfortunately, due to the spread of COVID-19 and associated worldwide travel restrictions, that goal has proved to be impossible. IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 will therefore be held fully online and is scheduled from January 7th to January 15th, 2021. We are planning to hold workshops on January 7-8, the main plenary sessions on January 11-12, and parallel technical sessions on January 13-15, with no events scheduled for the weekend. We are working with online vendors and are observing other online conferences in order to create the most interactive, exciting, and engaging online conference experience possible. We will soon be in touch with workshop organizers and authors about preparing presentations and posters.
Details on the registration, the platform to be used, and the program itself, will be posted on the website as soon as available.
Marie desJardins, Conference Chair
Christian Bessiere, Program Chair
Takayuki Ito, Local Arrangements Chair
Hideyuki Nakashima, PRICAI Chair
Vesna Sabljakovic-Fritz, IJCAI Executive Secretary
Bernhard Nebel, IJCAI Secretary-Treasurer
Fahiem Bacchus, President, IJCAI Board of Trustees
(Covid Update on May 7th, 2020)
Dear IJCAI Community,
It is clear to us that we will not be able to hold IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 in Yokohama this July as originally scheduled. We are very sorry to have to make this decision, but there is simply no possibility of holding a large in-person gathering in July given the continued impact of the pandemic on events around the world.
Nevertheless, the conference will still be held at a later date, most likely during January 2021. We have been working on two alternative forms for the rescheduled conference.
The first possibility is to hold an in-person conference. Based on venue availability, the most likely scenario for this event would be in Kyoto from January 5-10, 2021. We expect that such an event would have lower physical participation than originally planned, since global travel may still be limited. We would therefore aim to provide options for remote participation, e.g., allowing authors to present remotely and more opportunities for remote attendees.
The second possibility is to move the conference entirely online, in a high-quality virtual event. To give us sufficient time to determine if an in-person event is still feasible, we would hold the virtual event in January 2021 (exact dates and duration to be determined).
Many of our community members have asked that we make every effort to have an in-person conference, and we are continuing to do so. We are cautiously optimistic about the feasibility of the in-person option.
We would also like to point out that we view the dissemination of authors’ new research results to be the primary focus of the IJCAI conference. Hence, the publication of the proceedings will proceed at the normal schedule, and the proceedings will be made publicly available by July of this year. We remind you that all IJCAI proceedings, including the upcoming 2020 proceedings, are open access and available online at https://www.ijcai.org/
Best regards, and stay safe,Marie desJardins, Conference Chair
Christian Bessiere, Program Chair
Takayuki Ito, Local Arrangements Chair
Hideyuki Nakashima, PRICAI Chair
Vesna Sabljakovic-Fritz, IJCAI Executive Secretary
Bernhard Nebel, IJCAI Secretary-Treasurer
Fahiem Bacchus, President, IJCAI Board of Trustees
Important Dates: Main Track
Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2020 (11:59PM UTC-12)
Paper submission deadline: January 21, 2020 (11:59PM UTC-12)
Rebuttal period: March 21-25, 2020
Paper notification: April 19, 2020
Call for Papers

Please download the flyer of IJCAI-PRICAI 2020.

Please download the flyer of Special Track on AI in Fintech.